Love you, too
"Amazing mess, interactions, destruction! Sploshing at its best!"
As a splosher who's been enjoying the fetish for many decades now, I was very, very pleased with this purchase. From my perspective, it was a brilliant old skool skit with a truly wonderful interaction between the two participants. I experienced a genuine thrill of anticipation as the various items were presented, teased, and then liberally applied. A truly epic mess with no holds barred. Lovers of destroyed hair should get a real kick out of this one and I found myself wondering just how Isla would manage to get clean again, which of course added to the fun even more!
If I understood correctly, this was also Isla's first-ever head dunk. All I can say is, wow. Amazing coverage and full commitment with not a single word of complaint! I couldn't help but smile and nod appreciatively at ensuing mess.
Great work and thank you Trouso, and of course thank you Isla for being such an amazing recipient.
I enjoyed it so much I think I'll go and watch it again now. :-)
PieMeAllOver 1/15/25
 Love you, too
"Too much wasted potential"
In the beginig, all is well prepared for a good messy scene: a well dressed woman, beautiful makeup and hair done. But then this guy makes his appearance, acting nervously, awkwardly searching for the next substance, and standing in front of the camera all the time.
Although the scene is thought well, the acting of this guy ruins it all.
Every time you want to watch the model's face expression or reactions you instead see the neck or face of that guy. Highly unprofessional.
I would rate 5 stars for the model but minus 5 for the performance of that guy. Which, unfortunately, sums up to Zero.
Surely the model had a good experience, and she didn't ruin her expensive clothes for nothing. But for the spectator it is rather a pain.
This setting had so much potential but in the end, the impresion remains of a guy who thought 'I always wanted to pour a lot of substances over a well dressed women, so I just do it, and perhaps someone is stupid enough to buy it'.
Well, I am one of them but I regret my purchase.
dodo4711 7/15/22